Convergence Financial Partners | Financial Planning

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Associated with Commonwealth Financial Network®, a Registered Investment Advisor and Broker/Dealer.

Your Bridge to Opportunities

We’re committed to helping you reach financial freedom.

Building your bridge to financial independence may feel overwhelming, but like most things, all it takes is knowledgeable experience. With our knowledge base, skills, and appropriate strategies, we can build the bridge to connect you with the financial future you envision.

It All Starts with a Vision

Establish a view of where you want to go.

We don’t use a unique data-gathering or investing process. Our genuine connections and the depth with which we care for our clients are what make us unique. We go beyond balance sheets and numbers, and really take the time to get to know you and your vision, hopes, and dreams.

​See Our Story​ 


Sound Strategies Built for You

We understand that no two clients are the same. That's why we sit down with you and learn about where you are in life, and where you want to go. Then we’ll uncover your strengths and weaknesses as we construct the bridge to your financial freedom with sound strategies.



To seek asset growth.


Retirement Planning

To target the distribution of your assets in a tax-advantaged way.


Estate Planning

To help preserve your assets.


Risk Management

To help protect your wealth.


Business Planning

To help manage and grow your business.



To help minimize your tax burden.

​See Our Services​